Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Back Bedroom

I figured I should write a quick one about the back bedroom. There was always something strange about this room. I don't think I ever slept there though, but I do have memories of other people sleeping there. The Romeiser's slept there during their visits and I know Grandma did as well, but the room gave off a strong don't-sleep-here vibe. A lot of that had to do with the fact that I was a little scared of it at night. One entire wall of the bedroom was glass doors that opened onto our back padio. It sounds inviting, but at night time the creepy shed, coupled with the eerie and dimly lit alley, was enough to scare a full grown man.

Everything about that room had an odd vibe. It was almost like an entity that was separate from the rest of the house. While life was fun and youthful throughout the halls and other rooms in the house, this room seemed to be frozen in a old person/odd storage room theme. For instance, if you needed balloons then you would go to the back bedroom. If you needed to test the strength of batteries, then you would go to the back bedroom. If you needed to weigh yourself or find the old mildewing boardgames, then you would go to the back bedroom. If you wanted to sit on a old dusty chair, next to an old scratched coat-rack and a vase full of match books, then you would go to the back bedroom. I actually discovered that Santa did not exist in the back bedroom. Being the genius that she is, Mom thought it was a safe place to hide presents before Christmas Day. She assumed that the scariness of the room would repel my peeping eyes, but she was wrong. It wasn't like she hid them well either. She simple plopped them down on far side of the bed with Santa's name already written on there in her handwriting! I guess she assumed that both of her children would be equally gullible and accept that mythical bunnies, fairies and fat men actually cared about children. I knew that they didn't care about children. Why would they? They were magic! I wouldn't care about children if I was magic.

The back bedroom was an interesting place that resonated with old people. It was a flash back to the past then and it serves as a great flashback now.

Oh yeah, Emmie loved to pee back there. What else did we keep back there?



OK, so that was why that bedroom smelled so funky -- thanks Emmie. We always thought the glass doors with little to cover them were a perfect place for voyeurs to do their stuff. Love the thoughts on this special room.



Okay, okay...I did not think I would have such a snoop looking for Santa's gifts! Kristin never wanted to spoil the fun... just you, George! I figured out you had discovered my hiding place when Christmas morning..after you had not opened something you remembered seeing back there, you led us back there to check for it! You, rascal!

Now on to the back bedroom! It was a bright room with Momo's antique furniture in it. We tried so hard to fix it up and I thought it was a lovely room. We had the dhurruie rug which, you are right, Emmie enjoyed relieving herself on. We painted the blue grass cloth a light yellow and put a colorful quilt on the bed and antique linens. The closet and chest back there did hold all sorts of things like: wrapping supplies, are right, board games, photo albums, candles, and wine glasses that we had to house there since the kitchen did not have enough cabinet space.

I do not think you would have ever slept in there...but many guests did.

I will be interested in Kristin's thoughts about that room...once I figure out how to add pics to this I can add some.


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