Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008 Mustache

Eventhough we have talked many times this season, I figured I should give you guys a little photo update and fill you in on a few things...

Following tradition, I grew my mustache again this year. If you aren't fortunate to remember the 2007 stache, then here's a quick reminder:

Notice the almost child-like fuzz which graced my upper lip like many of the young Latino busboys at your local diner. I was actually fine with that stache, but this years was a little better.

It seems to have gotten a little thicker and darker. Sadly, I wasn't able to let it grow until Christmas Day because I had a job interview and the stache just wasn't going to cut it.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go-woon is a very good sport...that is all I can say! Bet your sister will have some pithy comments though.